CBSE Board Xth Standard Result date postponed
The CBSE Board Xth standard result dates have been postponed by the CBSE board. Below is the revised circular with information.
This is in continuation to notification no CBSE/CE/2021 dated 01.05.2021 where in, in the Annexure -4, Time schedule of different activities have been given. CBSE accords to the safety and health of teachers. The instructions given for the tabulation of Class-X marks in the above notification do mention that the “Result Committee can make its own schedule based on the scheme provided by the CBSE”
Keeping in mind the situation of pandemic, lockdown in States and safety of teachers and other staff members of the affiliated schools, CBSE has decided to extend the dates.
Revised Dates are as follows:
Sr No (As per Annexure no 4) |
Activity | Dates |
5 | Availability of Portal by CBSE for uploading of marks | 20th May 2021 (No change) |
8 | Submission of Marks to CBSE | 30th June 2021 |
9 | Submission of internal assessment marks (out of 20) | 30th June 2021 |
For remaining activities, dates could be decided by Result Committee.
Yours Faithfully,
Dr Sanyam Bhardwaj
Controller of Examinations
PC & Info: CBSE Website