How to register for vaccination on Cowin website
In case you are 18+ years of age uptill 44 years of age and want to get vaccinated. Here is the process of how to register and visit the centre for getting vaccination.
- Citizen needs to login on He needs to log in by providing his mobile number. Kindly enter a valid mobile number. An OTP will be received on the mobile number. Enter the OTP within 180 seconds and click on the verify button. Once the OTP gets validated, the register for vaccination page will appear on the screen. Enter the details required on the page. All details mentioned on this page are mandatory and needs to be filled in.
Once the details are entered for registration, Click “Register” Button at the bottom right. The citizen receives a confirmation message on successful registration.
2) Once the registration is completed, the system will display the Account details.
Citizen can further add 3 more people linked with this mobile number by clicking on “Add More” button at the bottom right side of the Page. Enter all the details of the individual to be included and then click on the Add The beneficiary receives a confirmation message on successful addition of member
3) There is a provision to delete individual linked with his mobile number.
a) Login with username and password, and Navigate to the dashboard.
b) 2.Click “Recycle Bin ” action button to Delete a member
c) A confirmation message will appear on deletion “Individual Deleted successfully”
4) Booking an Appointment: The Citizen can schedule Appointment from the “Account
Details” page.
a) Click on “Schedule” button for Booking Vaccination Appointment
b) System navigates to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page
c) Search the Vaccination Centre of choice by District or Pin code
d) On clicking “Search” button, system will display below the list of Vaccination centre as per Search Criteria
e) Centre Names available nearby as per state/district or pincodeentered will be
f) On clicking any centre at the panel, the available slots (date and capacity) will be displayed
g) Once “Book” button is clicked, the “Appointment Confirmation” page is displayed
h) Click “Confirm” button after verifying the details for final confirmation on booking
i) Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed
5) Rescheduling an appointment:
a) Once the Appointment is fixed, it can be cancelled and rescheduled at any later stage but before the vaccination appointment day.
b) For this, Re-login to “Citizen Registration” module; with your already registered mobile number.
c) Citizen is directed to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page; wherein citizen can Search for revised Centre and date
d) Once the new Date and Centre are selected; Click “Book” to reschedule;
e) Confirm by clicking “ Confirm” of the revised Schedule
f) Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed
Please Note: In case the citizen has moved to another city, appointment can be rescheduled for the nearest vaccination centre in that city.
6) Booking appointment for Dose 2
a) The process for booking appointment is similar as Dose 1.
b) Citizen can schedule Appointment for Dose 2 from the “Account Details” page.
c) Click on “Schedule” button for Booking Vaccination Appointment
d) System navigates to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page
e) Search the Vaccination Centre of choice by District or Pin code
f) Once appointment Centre, date and time slot have been selected, click on “Confirm”
g) Appointment successful page will be displayed.
h) Appointment for second dose will be reflected in the account details page
i) Citizen can Cancel, Reschedule, or print appointment slip for dose 2 appointment from this page
For Senior citizens, (60+ age group) & 45+ age group could directly visit the vaccination centre without registration. But for 18+ uptill 44 years of age, it is mandatory to register on the cowin website and then only visit the vaccination centre as per scheduled appointment.
You can also download the step to step guide for registration by clicking on the link below:
Information from website